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Alex Kochar



1951 Born in Yerevan, Armenia.


1971 Graduated from P. Terlemezian Art College, Yerevan.


1981-1991 Member of the Association of plastic art of the former USSR.


1993-2001 Professor and art instructor at the Toros Roslin Academy of Fine Art, Beirut.


1993-2003 Three personal exhibitions in Beirut: International Art Center, Gallery H. Nalbandian, Hamazkayin "Vasbouragan Hall".


His monuments are displayed in different venues: Akhalkalak (Georgia), Dresden (Germany), Sevan (Armenia), Moscow (Russia), Park Ninorano (Ukraine), Riga (Latvia), Minsk (Belarus). 


2004 Died in Yerevan, Armenia.


2005 A personal exhibition of his art works was inaugurated in his memory at the Noah's Ark Art Gallery, Beirut.


International Symposiums & Exhibitions


2015 Rebirth of a Nation, Beirut Exhibition Center.


2014 Maitres Distilleurs d'Art, Cognac, France.


2003 First International Symposium of Byblos, Lebanon.


2000-2001 International Symposium of Sculpture in Aley, Lebanon.


1991 Exhibition of Telavi, Tbilisi Georgia (awarded 1st prize)


1990 International Symposium of Tallinn, Estonia (awarded 2nd prize)


1988 International Symposium 88, Riga Latvia (awarded 1st prize)


1987 International Symposium "Park Ninorano", Kiev, Ukraine (awarded 1st prize) 


1984 Youth Union Exhibition, St. Petersburg, Russia.


1984 International Symposium of Dresden, Germany.


1983 Exhibition of Young Artists, Moscow, Russia. 



© 2022 Noah's Ark Art Gallery. 

Center Grand Park 2, Bifurcation Byblos Bank, Jawharji Street, Zalka, Metn, Lebanon

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