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Françoise Muller




1949 Born in Strasbourg, France.


1968-1971 Student at Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg


1971-1973 Collaboration with the journal ''La Maison Française'' in Paris


1973-1974 Engraving professor at the Académie d'Art de Provence

Solo Exhibitions

2002: Espace Monkey Club - Paris, France.

1996:  Lorelei Gallery - Brussels, Belgium.

1995: Gallery Venezia - Pirmasens, Germany.

1994: Gallery Aktuaryus - Strasbourg, France.

1994: Gallery Rochane - Beirut, Lebanon.

1992: Gallery Marcel Bernheim - Paris, France.

1982: Gallery Damo - Beirut, Lebanon.


1979: Gallery Gab Center and Gallery Alex Manoogian - Beirut, Lebanon.


1978: Gallery Embryo - Louvain, Belgium.


1978: Gallery l'Angle Aigu - Brussels, Belgium.

1977: Gallery Aktuaryus - Strasbourg, France.


1976: Avoriaz, Lyon, Tours, Port-Grimaud - France.


1974: Galerie de l'Ancienne Douane, Museum of Modern Art - Strasbourg, France. 


1967:  "Südpfälzische Kunstgilde" de Badbergzabern - Germany.

Group Exhibitions

2016: Twenty Years and Beyond, Jeweler's Souks, Solidere Era, Beirut, Lebanon.

2015: Rebirth of a Nation, Beirut Exhibition Center, Lebanon.

2014: Chateay de Chatenay, Cognac, France.

2010: Gallery Raffsoni, New Jersey, USA.

2004-08: Execution of numerous portraits.

2003: Exhibition in Los Angeles, California, USA.

2000: 'Femmes 2000' - Gallery Essaadi, Carthage, Tunisia.


1996: Mediterranean Biennale of Graphic Arts, Athense, Greece.


1992: Salon de la Société des Artistes Français- Grand Palais, Paris, France.


1992: Salon d'Automne - Grand Palais, Paris, France.

1991: Modern Graphic Art Museum - Cairo, Egypt.


1990: Intergraphic 90 - Berlin, Germany.


1989: 1989 Saga - Grand Palais, Paris, France. 


1987-1988 Salon d'Automne- Grand Palais, Paris, France.


1987:  Independent Exhibition of Kanagawa - Japan.

1984-93: Participated to International Biennales of Engraving in: Fredrikstad (Norway), Ljubljana (Yugoslavia), Taipei (Taiwan), Varna (Bulgaria), Chamalières (France), Krakow (Poland), Maastricht (the Netherlands)


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