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1963 Born in Yerevan, Armenia.


1986 Graduated from the P. Terlemezian Art College, Yerevan.


1988 Studied abstract art in Paris.


1991 Graduated from Yerevan Fine Arts Institute.

Museums and Collections

  • Danielle Francois Mitterand, Paris, France.

  • Daimler Chrysler Cultural Center, Moscow, Russia.

  • Modern Art Museum of Armenia.

  • Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Iran.

  • Museum of History of Armenia.

  • ArtEvo foundation, Calgary, Canada.

  • Kathryn Hixson, (C.A.C.A.) Chicago.


2018  Red Dot - Spectrum Miami, Fl, USA.


2017 Art: The Nectar of Life, Clemenceau, Beirut.


2017 Intermarc ECCS Educational Center, Beirut.


2016 Twenty Years and Beyond, Jeweler's Souks, Solidere Era, Beirut.


2015 Rebirth of a Nation, Beirut Exhibition Center.


2014 Affordable Art Fair, F1 Pit Building, Singapore.


2013 "Semaine de l'Excellence Franco-Arménienne", Marseille, France.


2011 Noah's Ark Art Gallery, Beirut.


2010-13-14 ArtMonaco, Salon d'Art Contemporain, Grimaldi Forum.


2010 "Colors from Armenia", Milan/Paris/Vienna.


2009 12th Beijing International Art Expo, World Trade Center.


2008 Castel Sant Angelo, Rome, Italy.


2007 Orangerie du Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, France.


2007 Arteclasica, Meeting Cultures, Buenos Aires.


2006 Expo Art Montréal, Place Bonaventure.


2006 International Art Expo New York, Jacob Javits Convention Center.


2005 Galeria d'Arte Rinascimento, Florence, Italy.


2004 Art Philadelphia 2004, Pennsylvania Convention Center.


2004 WCAF Show, Hilton Convention Center, Las Vegas.


2004 "A way to Neo-Abstractionism", Moscow, Russia.


2001 EURO'ART, V Salon International d'Artistes Contemporains, Barcelona, Spain.


1997 PISO-3 Centre Culturel BORGES, Madrid, Spain.


1991 Salon des Indépendants, Grand  Palais, Paris, France.


1989 International Exhibition, Artists' House, Moscow, Russia.


1989 Salon des Indépendants, Grand  Palais, Paris, France.





© 2022 Noah's Ark Art Gallery. 

Center Grand Park 2, Bifurcation Byblos Bank, Jawharji Street, Zalka, Metn, Lebanon

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