In co-operation with "AD & D Sarkissian Partners" and "YM Development", Noah's Ark Art Gallery marked the opening of its latest exhibition titled Art: The Nectar of Life at 6:30 pm, on May 17, 2017 in the "Mir Omar" Hall of the Omar 450 Building in Beirut, Clemenceau region.
The opening speech was given by owner and director of Noah's Ark, Dr. Mosses Hergelian. After welcoming the distinguished guests, Dr. Hergelian presented the lives of the 5 featured artists of the exhibition: Vahram, Yuroz, V. Roumelian, E. Pertian and Mazmanian: "They [the artists] have all participated to well-known international art fairs. Some of them have won awards, and their works can be found in museums all around the world."

Afterwards Dr. Hergelian expressed his gratitude on behalf of Noah's Ark to the Embassy of Armenia in Lebanon for its continuous support and promotion of Armenian art and culture, to the Lebanese Ministry of Culture and to Solidere for supporting and encouraging cross-cultural relations between Lebanon and Armenia, especially in the domain of bringing forward Lebanese artists of Armenian descent. Dr. Hergelian also thanked "A.D. & D. Sarkissian Partners" and "YM Development" for providing the "Mir Omar" exhibition hall to Noah's Ark. Finally, he thanked the art-loving audience for their presence and appreciation of Art as the Nectar of Life.
The floor was then given to Mr. Paul Sarkissian, owner and director of "A.D. & D. Sarkissian Partners." He iterated the fact that Lebanon has been a land of meeting points of cultures since the times of ancient Egypt and Babylon, up to the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine era, reaching to the modern era: "Thanks to this rich tradition, Lebanon has given birth to internationally acclaimed artists such as Georges Cyr, Helen Khal, Georges Michelet and others. A part of their artistic creativity stems from their inspiration from Lebanese culture." stressed Sarkissian. He provided a similar situation with the Armenian artists who have periodically lived in Lebanon and had gotten inspired, such as Carzou, Jansem, Saroukhan, Mouradov, Ashod Zorian and others. Mr. Paul Sarkissian reminded the audience that the same can be said with the artists of Noah's Ark Art Gallery, such as with Yuroz, Vahram and V. Roumelian.

Mr. Sarkissian expressed his enthusiasm in the choice of the location of the exhibition, for it is an important contribution in the strengthening of bonds between Lebanese society and the city of Beirut through art and culture. He expressed hope that similar initiatives take place in the future, for art and culture contribute to the betterment of the standard of living.
Ambassador of Armenia to Lebanon, H.E. Mr. Samvel Mkrtchyan, in his turn expressed his enthusiasm and the inspirations he has gotten from the displayed artists' works, and stressed that they contribute to the promotion of Armenian art and to the strengthening of Lebanese and Armenian cultural relations.

The exhibition will run till May 25th, 2017 and is open everyday from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
UPDATE: Due to popular demand the exhibition has been extended till June 1st. The opening hours remain the same.